WBITVP New Zealand

Experts in real and virtual studios, with access to world-leading rebates

Services & Expertise

Production Servicing 

both location based and in-studio for a cost-effective, high-quality production

Studio Pilot Production 

maximise return on your pilot budget shooting with our experienced crew and editorial teams


creative artists and facilities including; 4K workflow, Avid, VO, sound mix, grading, motion graphics and VFX. 

Co-Production Partnerships 

expert local knowledge to deliver NZ network partnerships and unlock incentives

Screen Production Rebates

our specialist team of NZSPR experts can help manage your grant application and maximise returns

Gateway to Fiji & the Pacific Islands

WB has strong relationships and experience in the beautiful Pacific Islands to deliver local set builds, accommodation for crew and cast, fixers and transportation, government relationships for permits, filming incentives, visas and a WB company registered in Fiji. 



NZ Screen Production Rebate (NZSPR) for International Productions 

up to 20% rebate on NZ qualifying spend (NZQPE) for international productions produced in NZ. Minimum NZQPE spend NZ$4 million

Post, Digital and Visual Effects Rebate (PDV) 

up to 20% rebate. Minimum spend NZ$250,000

NZ Screen Production Rebate  for NZ Productions 

up to 40% rebate on qualifying production expenditure (NZQPE) for significant NZ content with local platform distribution (non-NZ formats do not apply). Minimum NZQPE spent NZ$250,000

Fiji Film Tax Rebate 

potential for this rebate subject to meeting criteria


